W.W.I.E. is the sole agent and main business director in Italy and Malta. It’s know the importance that game activities have for children psychological and physical growth; with game activities they can improve their intelligence, imagination, fancy, feelings and sociality.
Usually we think that for children the game activities are an alternative way to spend their time, really they consider the games a concrete part of life; so through the game they play and averall they learn.
Hags company Swedish, the leader in this area, produces numerous articles suitable for children’s development overall for children between 3 and 12 years when all the ability are growing.
Hag’s articles are based on various functional games:
- improving physical activity;
- improving social approach;
- improving the skills to take decisions;
- easy access to disables.
Regarding this last point, some playgrounds are created for special needs and increasing proficiency of disables users with an irresistible appeal for all children to create a place in which everyone can meet and play.
W.W.I.E. firm with its systematic work can easily satisfy thei customers, because it owns a skilled office staff, qualified fitters and an architecture-engineering office with competent and expert technicians.
This kind of organisation is necessary both for manufactures and suppliers and for installing and maintaining the equipment. You can find Hags products in its catalogue “Play Equipment”.
All the products featured reflect the firm foundations on which hags reputation is build good design, safety, quality responsible attitude to the environment; thanks also the collaboration with various University and Organizations in many European countries and now also in the States; here the W.W.I.E. by Aldo Campo has given and settled all the supplies, also for disables, at the “Bole Park” in Little Rock a city council of Arkansas.
It was a big success and paid a compliment by the responsible for the Park recreation Bryan Day.